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The Guide to Address-Changing After a Move


Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or a repeat homebuyer, there's a lot to think about when you're buying a new house. With so much to remember, it can be easy to let the simple things slip through the cracks, which is why a surprising number of people fail to properly update their address after moving. We want to help you with the process, so we put together a guide on what you need to do to effectively transition to your new home.

Read on to learn what you need to do to change your address after a move.

United States Postal Service

The first step in updating your address is to inform the United States Postal Service (USPS). The easiest way to do that is by visiting the official USPS Change-of-Address page on its website and clicking the "Get Started" button. 

NOTE: The USPS charges $1 to change your address online. If you want to avoid this fee, you can visit the post office and request "Form 3575."

USPS Website

Internal Revenue Service

Once you've updated your address with USPS, the next step is to complete Form 8822 on the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) website. This form will ensure that the IRS has your most current address on file so that your move doesn't impact your ability to pay your taxes in a timely manner.

Billing Address

If you receive paper bills for any recurring monthly expenses, such as your credit card bill, then you'll also want to change your billing address for each provider individually to avoid missing payments. If you fail to receive your bill in the mail due to your address change, your credit card company will likely charge you just the same, leaving you with potentially expensive and unexpected late fees.

New Driver's License

Depending on where you move to and where you moved from, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has different steps you'll need to take to change your address. In South Dakota, you can visit the Change of Address in South Dakota page on the DMV's website to update your information. Otherwise, visit the New Resident Moving Resources page on the DMV website to learn more.

Changing your address after a move is a simple step that is overlooked all too often. By remembering to change your address when you move, you'll avoid the headaches, late fees and frustrations associated with forgetting this crucial step.

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